
How it works

Chat with us

Talk to one of our DEI coordinators to get signed up.

Take the test

Take the DEI Maturity assessment and work with a program leader to identify the best entry point to begin your DEI journey.

Begin tracking your organization

Track your DEI development thru a customized DEI project management platform.

Gain more insight

With Level 2 membership, meet with your DEI coach monthly to discuss your organizational journey, best practices, tips and new methodologies.
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Get access to the IEDEIAΒ Resource Portal

Affordable pricing plans

Select the level of membership that fits your organization's needs. Whether you're a solo department, work with a committee, or need an enterprise-wide platform, we have a solution for you to manage the strategic tools, step-by-step guides and toolkits that are available in the IEDEIA portal. quick find, manage and get in touch with members.

Let's chat about your organizational needs and we'll find the best solution for you!

Culture assessments & diagnostics
Organizational assessments
DEIA strtegy program outline
Step-by-step guides
Resource guides
Video guides
Diversity best practices
DEI team compliance training
Monthly webinar
Enhanced DEIA capacity building tools
Help desk support
Coaching support
Industry benchmarking
DEIA strategy implementation
DEIA leadership development
Leadership online training
Virtual masterminds
Staff online training
Customized DEIΒ training
Number of users
Total credit limit
Individual user analytics
Available at Additional Cost
Number of users
Total credit limit
Individual user analytics
Behaviour analytics
Daily reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
1 Hour Coaching
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Available at Additional Cost
Weekly reports
Number of users
Total credit limit
Individual user analytics
Behaviour analytics
Daily reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Weekly reports
Unlimited Access
Based on need

Diversity, equity and inclusion isn’t about checking off a box... It's about


We empower your people to OWN the process of driving DEI and A throughout your organization. With IEDEIA tools, we help you be intentional about reshaping the culture of your organization, and we provide the strategies, framework, methodologies and training all in one place.

No matter where you are in your DEIA journey, IEDEIA will help you reach your strategy and implementation goals. Not sure how mature your DEI organizational journey is? Click below to take the DEI Maturity Assessment.